Alimony Lawyer in Concord, New Hampshire
If you and your spouse do not have similar incomes, or if one of you has not worked outside the home during the marriage, alimony will probably be an issue in your divorce. In New Hampshire alimony is gender-neutral, provides financial support for a spouse, and can be either temporary or permanent. Unlike child support, there are no alimony “guidelines” or worksheets to fill out. In general, to obtain alimony you must show 2 things: the person who would receive the alimony has a need for support AND the person who would pay the alimony has an ability to pay it.
In an alimony order, both the amount and the duration of payments will be set. Some of the factors which may be considered are: how long you have been married; the age of you and your spouse; whether you are employed and what are your earnings; your work history; and, whether fault caused the end of the marriage.
When and under what circumstances alimony ends will be specified in the divorce decree. The passage of a certain period of time or the remarriage of the person receiving alimony are common triggering events. If a divorce decree provides that alimony stops if a person cohabits or lives with an unrelated person of the opposite sex, moving in with a new partner can result in the end of alimony payments.
If you are going through a divorce and have concerns about alimony, whether you want to receive alimony or are worried that you will have to pay alimony, Concord Attorney Elliott will discuss your situation with you and review how the New Hampshire alimony laws would be applied in your case. If you are already divorced and alimony needs to be changed or is about to stop, Alimony lawyer Jennifer Elliott can talk with you about modifying or extending alimony. If you are divorced but alimony was not ordered at the time of the divorce, there are limited circumstances in which it may be still possible to request alimony from your former spouse and Attorney Elliott will talk with you to assess whether such a request is worthwhile.
Call our alimony lawyer at the law office of Jennifer P. Elliott at (603) 715-1735 or contact us online to discuss your alimony questions.

8 Green Street
Concord NH 03301
Phone (603) 715-1735
Fax (603) 856-7186
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.