Affordable Options
If you are facing divorce, Attorney Elliott understands that you are not just concerned about what will happen to you and your family, but are scared that you will have to spend all your assets getting divorced. The law office of Jennifer P. Elliott offers various options to accommodate budgets of all means.
‘Agree First, Then File’
In the ‘agree first, then file’ approach, you and your spouse, or the other party, reach an agreement on all issues before the divorce case is filed with the court. ‘Agree first, then file’ has considerable advantages. It typically keeps costs to a minimum; eliminates most, if not all, court appearances; and, can be one of the quickest ways to divorce.
Limited Representation Attorney in Concord, NH
Limited scope representation, also known as “unbundled services”, can be another cost-effective option. Limited representation is when a person retains a lawyer for only a designated portion of their case. For example, the lawyer drafts a document; reviews a proposal from the other party; or, attends a hearing at court. The person handles the other aspects of their case themselves.
Limited Representation Attorney Elliott offers Limited Scope Representation services, which include:
- Giving legal advice.
- Drafting documents for litigation or settlement.
- Assistance with Financial Affidavits.
- Attending hearings.
- Compliance with Rule 1.25-A disclosure.
- Accompanying clients to divorce mediation.
- Review of settlement offers.

Participation in divorce mediation can also limit the expense of divorce. In mediation, both spouses attend together and typically split the mediator’s fees. If other experts, such as a real estate appraiser or an accountant, are needed, the parties can agree to share
those costs as well.
Don’t let fear of divorce costs keep you from getting the legal advice you need. Call our legal separation attorney at the law office of Jennifer P. Elliott at (603) 715-1735 or contact us online to discuss affordable divorce options that are available to you.

8 Green Street
Concord NH 03301
Phone (603) 715-1735
Fax (603) 856-7186
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.