Child Support Referee
Child Support Referee Hearing in Concord, New Hampshire
A Child Support Referee may hear your child support case. The Child Support Referee is not a judge, but is a lawyer appointed by the head of the Family Division. The Child Support Referee is authorized to conduct hearings on paternity, child support, medical support and tax exemptions. After a hearing, the Child Support Referee makes recommendations which are then reviewed and approved by a judge.
The child support process is the same for a child support referee hearing. The New Hampshire child support guidelines apply. Each parent’s income is included and the deductions allowed by the child support law, listed below, are taken into account:
- Mandatory retirement contributions
- Support paid to another family
- State income taxes
- Cost of health insurance allocated to the children
- Daycare expenses.
A request for adjustment to the child support guideline amount, downward or upward, can also be addressed at a child support referee hearing.
One benefit of having the hearing in front of a Child Support Referee is the ability to obtain both a hearing date and a child support order more quickly.
Whether your child support issue is heard by a judge or a child support referee, consulting an attorney to understand your child support rights is essential. Call the law office of Jennifer P. Elliott at (603) 715-1735 or contact us online to discuss child support, review child support calculations or for representation at a child support hearing.

8 Green Street
Concord NH 03301
Phone (603) 715-1735
Fax (603) 856-7186
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.